What is my official boat model?

HINs By The Numbers
A typical hull identification number (HIN) consists of 12 letters and numbers, as in ABC12345D404.
Here's what the letters and numbers mean:
ABC: This is the U.S. Coast Guard-assigned manufacturer identification code (MIC). Go to the USCG Manufacturers Indentification page to access the Coast Guard's MIC database.
12345: This is the serial number assigned to the hull by the manufacturer. This may be a combination of letters and numbers. The letters "I," "O," and "Q" are excluded because they could be mistaken for numbers.
This is the month of certification, indicating the month in which construction began. "A" represents January and "L" represents December. In our example, "D" means April.
4: This is the year of certification. The number is the last digit of the year in which the boat was built. "4" in this case designates 2004.
04: This indicates the boat's model year.