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Toggle switches on 2002 Sweetwater dashboard

I purchased a 2002 Sweetwater 22 ft boat, and the labeling is gone on the 5 toggle switches on the dash. The 5th one is the horn, but does anyone have  a disgram or list to tell me what the  other 4 are?  Thanks


  • CRF
    CRF Member Posts: 191 ✭✭✭
    mine is a newer model but I have: front docking lights; radio, cig. lighter 12v, nav lights (3 position), depth finder, all factory installed. hope this helps a little
  • nthomas
    nthomas Member Posts: 4
    Thanks, CRF. Mine are different, I think, but I can't figure out what. One if likely the cig lighter, but I think I need to replace that to figure it out, since it doesn't work.

    If anyone has a manual, it would be appreciated. Thanks

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