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I have a 2014 Sweetwater model 2086BF3 and need a replacement gas cap (not deck mount) side fill.

rdb613 Member Posts: 3
What is the correct model for the cap? Manufacturer? The top outer portion broke off and all I have is the plastic part under the cover with the chain


  • papajeff
    papajeff Member Posts: 2
    edited 2016 18
    Hi rdb613, I need a gas cap for my 2015 2086. were you able to locate one?
  • Boomer
    Boomer Member Posts: 307 ✭✭✭
    Dealer Item and very pricey Gas jockey didn't secure mine and it broke the chain flapping loose $65. Marina paid for it. 2015 2286 Tri Tune
  • Boomer
    Boomer Member Posts: 307 ✭✭✭
    That is a pressurized system you need the correct cap 

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