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Vacuum In Gas Tank

Twice in the last week I have had my Sweetwater 1880FC w/40 HP Honda, 35 hours on unit, act like it gave out of gas.  The first time the gas gage showed about 3/8’s full.  Pumped the bulb and it seemed mushy, added gas and it got back home fine.  Second time started out 3/4 + in the tank, ran until just under the 3/4 line and the same thing happened, acted like it had run out. This time when I pumped the bulb it did not expand back out.  I thought vacuum in tank, cracked gas cap and heard swish as air went in.  Bulb expanded, pumped it again, engine fired up and we again returned home.  My thoughts are now that somehow as gas is used no air gets into tank so a vent must be clogged.  Looked at fueling system and see a mass of hoses.  Which one is the tank vent on, how do I open it?



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