AP 250 XP Rain Tested?
Was thinking of purchasing a AP 250 XP so I took a look at my friends over the weekend. Has Aqua Patio ever rain tested the AP 250 XP? Looks like the way the jump seats are designed in the back that rainwater would run right down into the battery area? Same thing goes for the Sony 600 watt amplifier looks like is mounted…
Underwater lighting
I am interested in adding some underwater lighting to my Sweetwater 220PE. Looking for some ideas on mounting locations. Many pontoons have (2) brackets welded to the back of the pontoons by mine only has one on the port side. I was considering adding angled brackets at the rear of the transom on each side of the motor but…
VDO Gauges
Hi, I have a 2000 Sanpan 2500R with a 150hp mercury xr6. Last weekend all the gauges quit working. The motor, radio, and lights all continued to work. The boat has a vdo gauge cluster. I have reset all the circuit breakers (none of which were tripped) and have looked for a inline fuse but everything seems to be connected…
power management system
I have a 2008 sampan with a dna power management system for accessorys. am having trouble with switches operating other acc. can not find any information about this system even through the companys website . any information would be appreciated
Can you confirm construction and delivery of my sweetwater pe 200
Can you confirm construction last week of my sweetwater pe200 for delivery to rockingham boat nh
Boought a PT 16 have two brackets dont know what they do or what for
They have about a 2 " flat surface with a velcro straap..handle is about 8" long and has one thumb scrrew on bottom???WWhat is it???
Bolts for motor well
I have a sweetwater 2286fc. How many bolts should there be holding the motor well to the frame, Is the motor well re-enforced at the stern? Thanks
Dimensional drawings
One of my seats leaks slightly too, no biggy, the items I don't want to get wet are in a heavy duty poly storage bag. There are after market, lockable, waterproof boxes that can be secured (screwed down) under a seat for your valuables, also, there are lockable glove boxes available that can be installed in the console,…
Who manufactured the 50 hp Force outboard motor on my 1989 Sweetwater SW2420?
I am having a difficult time locating a manual for the 50 hp Force outboard engine on my pontoon. I have been trying to locate the engine through the manufacturer of the engine, but the internet lists both Chrysler and Mercury as manufacturers. Any help in locating the correct manual will be appreciated.
Anodes for pontoons
Hello, I am very new to boating and to this site. Our 15" Sweetwater pontoon boat is in need of anhodes. It is kept in the Conndcticut River in the summer and on a trailer in winter. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Engine Manuals
Anyone know where I can purchase a manual for a Force/Chrysler 50 hp outboard engine? Just purchased an 89 pontoon. It runs very well, but still would like to have the manual.
Follow up Question For 1987 SW615. How Do I Get water out of the front of the Pontoon?
Drain Plug on back of Pontoon let no water out. Tilled Boat almost straight up. Water still in front part of Pontoon.
bimini frame
Hello i just ordered a bimini frame from my local dealer he was told it would be 3 months, Is this normal wait time for replacement parts? it will be a hot summer without it. Sweetwater 1880 re tuscany series 2007. Thank you.
Manuals or literature
Purchase a 280s model 1999. Are there manuals, literature or something that will contain console wiring info ?
The rail skin was damaged.
Rail skin was damaged prior to delivery. I suspect it happened during the rolling process. How long will it take to get another one to dealer and what is the replacement service replacement time?