Need longer ladder/extension
Hi folks, new to this forum. We just purchased a used 24' Parti-Kraft pontoon. Love the boat but would like to extend/replace the bottom part of the boarding ladder from 2 steps to 4. Any suggestions?
Play Pen cover
Does anyone know of a prouduct to use on the play pen cover to clean it and keep it in good shape
Body parts
My 2011, 2486 sweetwater was recently damaged in a snow storm when the covered boat slip collapsed and smashed everything from the Bimini top to the deck. I'm thinking about replacing the damaged parts. So I'm looking for a godfrey body parts manual for that year's model that I can refer too for prices and required parts.…
Does anyone have the furniture measurements for a 2012 sweetwater 2486 cruise?
I want to have special seat covers made because my seats are attached to the railing.
shock pressure for rear dressing area
I have a 1996 20ft sweetwater sw2019sc can anyone tell me what the pressure is for the two shocks on the rear dressing area is
2015 AP 240cb with sony head unit and polk speakers sucks
I think they really missed the mark on the amplifier on this system. The subwoofer is set up just like a regular speaker and the speaker above the sub isn't even hooked up. The front 2 and rear 2 speakers are super loud and the speakers on the side of the boat are barely doing anything. I have tried every setting there is…
Best propeller for 2013 SW2086 Coastal Edition with Yamaha F90LA?
What is the best propeller for my 2013 SW2086 Coastal Edition with Yamaha F90LA? My dealer insists that the 17 pitch they installed is their gold standard but I can't get over 3600 RPMs and19.2 MPH in calm water with 2 people onboard.
2012 sweetwater 2086 seat covers
Can I purchase replacement seat covers for my 2012 Sweetwater 2086 C3 pontoon boat directly from Godfrey? Thanks for your help.
Fall Maintenance on your Yahama
New Owner Looking for Videos from Captain Steve
Captain Steve - In your bio on this site it mentions that you have hundreds of instructional videos on YouTube. I would be interested in watching thee types of videos, but when I search YouTube I do not get results I am looking for. I see your videos describing Godfrey Pontoon Boats and get to the Godfrey Pontoon boat…
Does a 2007 Sweetwater 2586RE have three pontoons, i.e., a "Tritoon"?
Does the name "Tritoon" mean the barge has three Pontoons. Were 2007 Sweetwater 2586RE built with 3 pontoons?
Kelch Gas Cap / Fuel Gague
Purchased a 2011 Godfrey Sweetwater Model 2086. While attempting to fill gas tank, noticed that the stainless steel rod supporting the steel indicator needle and float were sitting at the bottom of the tank. Called Kelch, CS told me to contact the dealer who could get a replacement from the tank manufacturer and put in a…
2008 Sweetwater 2086 onboard gas tank pickup tube
Not getting gas to the engine. Maybe traced a problem getting gas to the engine from the gas tank pickup tube. The tube is the one with the coiled wire in it. I can get it up, but not all the way out. There seems to be, maybe, a filter/screen or ??? on the bottom that will not allow for full removal. How does one test this…
I have issues with algae, what is best solution to deter the growth other than a lift or pull boat. I see a "paint" mentioned, what kind and where do you get? Knot Working
Disappointed in top speed - AP 240 Elite
Hello!! Picked up my new AP 240 Elite this spring and now have 24 hours on it. It's a triple tube with lifting strakes, and powered by a Yam 200hp (new inline 4). Top speed with me and one other person, trimmed out, 6k rpm, is 33. I was expecting at least 40, so needless to say pretty disappointed. It came with a Reliance…