Impact + 29 inch toon
Anyone have any experience with the new 29 inch center toon with 27 outside ones???
how to I get to fuel line on the tank?
Does the transom have to be dropped? second question..to replace the end on the tank fill do i have to remoce other vent lines in order to get new fuel line through **** in floor?
Propeller recommendations 2018 2286 dl Yamaha 150
I purchased a 2018 sweetwater 2286 dl with a yam aha 150. looking for recommendations on prop upgrades/replacements. current has a 15x15 amita 3 that runs well on it at close to max rpm. wanting a second prop to replace it and keep as a spare. Thank you for advice.
I have a 2019 Sweetwater Model# SW 2286-25. Need seat covers. Can't find any. Any suggestions? or playpen cover to fit.
canopy top speed
In the online owners manual that is made for all Godfrey pontoons it states to not operate the boat at high speeds with the canopy up. What is considered high speed. My canopy has the aluminum canopy brackets. Thanks.
vinyl flooring
does anyone know who the manufacturer is for the vinyl flooring a a 2015 sweetwater pontoon? Thanks in advance
Anyone have a go-to downrigger setup?
I want to add an electric downrigger to my 2019 2286 FC on the stern port side deck.
27” toons... is it better than Bennington or Crest 25” ? Shopping for my 1st pontoon $72K Monaco
Hello everybody ! I’m shopping for my first Pontoon coming from a deck boat I know I wanna Trtoon 200 hp Godfrey Monaco I’m looking at has a 250 hp looks gorgeous but I’m nervous about warranty and cavitation problems to the point that I’m almost getting a Bennington G or a Crest Platinum. The Monaco looks absolutely…
Replacement Top for 2014 Sweetwater 2286
Need a replacement bimini top for my 2014 Sweetwater 2286. Does anybody have any idea that size I need? Can not find the specs anywhere. Boat is in storage now so I can not measure the frame... Steve G
Long Term Storage? Fuel Prep?
Due to the pandemic, we decided not to put our 2018 Godfrey SW186C in the water this season. It is shrink wrapped and stored at my dealer since last fall. Last September I topped off the 18 gallon fuel tank and added stabilizer as usual. The tank is full of NON-ETHANOL gasoline. Any thoughts on what needs to be done now to…
Auto On Battery Switches - SANPAN 2500 DFL
I have a new boat that has the auto on battery switches with a master power button up by the helm. Only one battery turns on when I hold the button down, however, I can hear the other one clicking and I can see it trying to move. The dealer says only one batter (accessory) should turn on with master power. Does anyone else…
Battery cables in seat compartment
Battery cables are coming out of the floor in the rear seat compartment. What are they for?
Seat material
I just purchased a 1997 aqua patio which is in beautiful shape with the exception of mildew stains on seats. I have tried normal mildew products you see recommended, starbrite, meguires... but no success. The seats seem to be a different material then normal vinyl. The feel rubbery and the material is stretchy. Which is…
New owner, new member
Good day everyone. Just bought my first pontoon. Sweetwater 2286 FC. I am hoping to take delivery within the next 10 days. Can't make any remarks about the boat until I had a chance to properly allow her to seduce me. I hope the folks on the "this is getting dead" area are wrong, this is a great way to get info and share…
Galley water and waste jugs.
Our Sanpan 2500 FE is new to us a few days ago and it has a small galley behind the drivers seat. Two sinks and a hand pump faucet. I believe it originally would have come with a jug to have fresh water in that the tube from the pump would have fit into, and likely something similar to take the water from the sink drain.…